Traditionally hand-carved Gravestones and Memorials

As a contemporary artist and craftsman, I strive to push the boundaries of a memorial: beautiful, personal pieces of art that are no longer relegated to the cemetery but can be made to live in the home or garden.

Whether it is a traditional gravestone, a memorial to a beloved pet, or perhaps a piece of garden sculpture commemorating an important moment in your life, crafting something meaningful and unique drives my work.


  • A free consultation which can be done in person, over the phone, or via email.

    This is an informal chat to discuss what kind of commission you’d like me to make - there is no obligation.

    I can be contacted via email here or on my mobile at +44(0)7506750499.

  • After a consultation, I will send you a fairly basic estimate, to give you a general idea of the cost. A firm price cannot be given until a general design is agreed on.

    I am always happy to suggest various alternatives to accommodate a specific budget.

  • Once an estimate is accepted, then I will draw up a design for you. based on your input and our conversations.

    All of my designs are hand-drawn and unique to each project. I usually start with a series of rough, thumbnail sketches and work up to a formal drawing.

    The cost of drawing up the design is usually £300. This fee also covers the submitting of any paperwork or permit applications needed for churchyard or cemetery officials.

  • Once the design is agreed, and the necessary permits and applications are approved, I will ask for a deposit to cover the cost of ordering the stone and other materials, as well as the actual scale drawing. This is usually 50% of the total cost.

    Please note: each stone I order is quarried and cut for each individual commission, so there is often a 3-6 month wait for the stone to be delivered from the day it is ordered.

  • Once the stone is delivered, I will draw up the design and send you a photo for your approval. Once it is approved, then I will start carving and painting the stone.

    Clients will be updated with progress shots and emails.

  • When the stone is finished I will send you a final photo. We will then arrange a time and date for the stone or plaque to be installed. I am NAMM-certified and try to install my own stones, but I do sometimes have a team of trusted colleagues help out.

    I will ask for the final payment (the remaining 50% of the balance) before the stone is installed.



The lettering of a memorial is really the most important element of the design. Unlike most monumental masons, I do not use type-setting and sandblasting machines.

Instead, I draw and carve all of my lettering by hand, which also means I can match practically any style of lettering when doing additional inscriptions on existing stones.


I really love to combine carved elements with lettering in my memorials. I think including graphic motifs, such as flowers, figures, and decorative borders can really make a memorial stand out.

As I am very inspired by monumental stone carving of the 17th and 18th centuries, I tend to work in a bold, graphic style, as opposed to realistic sculpture. Generally, I try to work only with stone native to Britain, most of which are excellent for low-relief carving.


Both lettering and carved elements can be painted to look subtle and naturalistic, or they can be painted or gilded for high contrast and colour. Other techniques, such as carving raised lettering or mark-making can also help legibility without painting.

I oil gild the traditional way and use the highest-quality 24k gold leaf. I also strive to use eco-friendly paints and finishes whenever possible.


There are many different shapes a gravestone or cremation plaque can me masoned into. I create unique templates for each shape, which are then masoned by hand into the stone.


Choosing what type of stone to use for a memorial can seem a bit confusing, but I’m happy to guide you through the process. I work with a variety of stones - mostly native to the UK - which are both beautiful and practical. If you have any questions about stone, just drop me a line.

  • Slate

    Slates from Wales, Cornwall, and Northern England are considered the highest-quality stone for memorials, as they are very durable and allow for very detailed carving. These are generally the most expensive stones.

  • Limestone

    There are many different kinds of limestone suitable for memorials, such as Portland, Nabresina, Hopton Wood, Purbeck, Kilkenny, and Caithness. Each brings a unique colour and hardness. Limestone is a very versatile material and a bit more affordable for those with smaller budgets.

  • Sandstone

    The UK is home to many excellent types of sandstone, such as York and Forest of Dean. Sandstone is very durable and neutral in appearance.

  • Other Kinds of Stones

    The range of available stone for indoor memorials or gallery pieces is much wider, as they don’t need to hold up under the elements. Stones such marble, blue lias, and Maltese limestone are possible choices.


To obtain a more accurate estimate, an initial consultation will be necessary, as there are many factors that can significantly effect the cost of a memorial. However, below you will find a very basic range of prices for different kinds of commissions.

  • Basic headstones start at around £2500.

  • Basic cremation plaques start at £1000.

  • Basic house signs start at £500.

Contact Matt

If you have questions not covered above, need an estimate, or want to talk over an idea, please contact me below.