A Bit About Myself

I’ve never really done a formal introduction on here, but I thought as I was lucky enough to have some great photos taken of me recently, I’d overcome my own self-cringing and say hello, so here goes:

Hello! My name is Matt Loughlin and I’m an artist/craftsman who is passionate about making unique (some might say quirky) work in stone, wood, and print - especially gravestones, cremation plaques, and fine art.

The central themes of my work are remembrance and appreciation of life: which I try to express with humour and empathy through relief carving and hand-lettered original poetry.

My work is very influenced by colonial American gravestones, medieval monuments, folk art, early 20th-century lettering, and a bit of Modernist art.

I’m originally from the USA (Central New York) and lived for over 5 years in Oslo, Norway before moving to England in 2015.

Before I became a stone carver, I worked as a graphic designer in the fashion industry for over ten years designing t-shirts and apparel graphics.

With the help of the @letteringartstrust, I was lucky enough to be awarded a traditional letter-cutting apprenticeship and retrain as a letter-cutter and stone carver.

Since completing my training, I have worked as a freelance journeyman stone carver while establishing my own practice at The Memorial Workshop. (And I am open for private commissions.)

My amazing wife @StudioLeCocq and I now live and work in Somerset, England, not far from the beautiful cathedral city of Wells.

I want to give a big thanks to everyone who follows and supports my work. It really does mean a lot!

Thanks to @maxbainbridgephotography for the excellent photo.

If you would like to get in contact to discuss a possible commission, please get in touch via the contact page, or you can email me at: matt@memorialworkshop.com.


Showcase at The Royal Bath and West Show